www.PraytoGodNotJesus.com For the story about my encounter with God and Current Critical World Issues
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- And GOD said "don't take the bible too seriously, it's been handed down a long time" -
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H, O or H20 PE along with variants, derivatives & protagonists
Torrey Pines Marsh circa 1995-97 ; 2001 BMW in 2017
Prayers. To infinity and beyond.
Magnetism or Energy = time x space x mass x speed
Seams to Nikola Teslas Universal Wheelwork of Nature
Discuss your thoughts in STEMM; coca drink
Gravitational Tensors via endless energy
The /start of learning within earth's dome to apply it for outwardly travels
Quanta hooks for solar and interstellar travel, gravity local
NaCl + H20 + Z or or Na + H20 + Z for gasoline replacement?
Optimal Entropy, avoiding triviality…
Nikola Teslas Universal Wheelwork of Nature Energy Grid
Temperature variation of demand energy, time it's decay for faster space travel
Endless energy via Nikola Teslas wheelwork of nature got me postulating
Interpretations of Harnessing Temperature Fluctuations
Light sensor motion technology for the dark night to create on demand power
Signal wavelength/frequency converted into electricity
Ephoton = hf is photonic human body copy back into body double/clone ethical?
Nikola Tesla hated the Radio? What can Radio Revolutionize?
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www.PraytoGodNotJesus.com For the story about my encounter with God and Current Critical World Issues
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- Recognize and Realize - Re-organize, Re-group, Re-focus, and REFUEL! Don't forget to eat healthy! -
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