Do we have the power to convert these elements compounds or even yet substances into energy without much energy put in, if so don't we have a better chance with these atomic particles of being part of the everyday things humans use work and interact along with in multitudes of purposes? What's your concession on what information you find on the best use case on any element compound or substance or structure or that may interfere in many catalytical processes to result in an ultimate form of energy conversion that has a byproduct of a simple carbon or for example water or vapor or even oxygen for example. -Altogether creating an engine that doesn't run on hydrogen efficiently for example but better yet runs on H20 or CH4 directly before the ignition source. Can this be a better way of developing the machines for cars for example? Can you split H20 into H and 0 and utilize both for propulsion and use that idea for CH4 as well, carbon might be more difficult. or is there a catalyst that will suffice?